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Sealed Food Containers

ÖKK500 - 500 Ml. Rectangular Container
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Sealed Food Containers

ESK1000 1000 Ml. Ellipse Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YSKY1000 1000 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YSK1000 1000 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YK2000 2000 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

SK850 850 Ml. Round Bucket
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Sealed Food Containers

SK250 250 Ml. Round Bucket
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Sealed Food Containers

SK1000 1000 Ml. Round Bucket
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Sealed Food Containers

ÖKK1000 - 1000 Ml. Rectangular Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YKK460 460 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YSK700 700 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YK500 500 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YK200 200 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

SK500 500 Ml. Round Bucket
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Sealed Food Containers

SK2000 2000 Ml. Round Bucket
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Sealed Food Containers

FC01 Food Protection Case with Spoon and Fork
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Sealed Food Containers

YKK275 275 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YKK750 750 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YSK200 200 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YK300 300 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

YK1000 1000 Ml. Container
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Sealed Food Containers

SK2500 2500 Ml. Round Bucket
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Sealed Food Containers

SK1500 1500 Ml. Round Bucket
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Sealed Food Containers
We use Plastic Containers and Buckets in order to pereserve foods in healty conditions. Majority of the food manufacturing companies use plastic containers and buckets very often. Plastic containers and buckets have different specification. Our food containers have tamper evident & leakproof with In Mould Labelling and with long self life and can be used in microwave and dishwasher .
Our leakproof food containers and buckets have different size options and designs. The size of buckets and food containers are starting at 200 ml. to 2500 ml. It would be very import issue to choose best fitting size of the bucket for packaging. Also the lid of the containers should have air tight. Food manufacturer companies always perefer food containers and buckets airtight and leak proof which gives many advantage during the distrubution process.
Any period of After and ongoing production there is need for packaging to keep your food fresh. In order to distrubute Foods in healty conditions you should ask Meteplast for the best quality of food containers and buckest. We always focus to provide our customers with highest quality at reasonable price. We have widen range of food containers and buckets
You will find many of our item from our product portfolio such as divided lunch box with spoon and fork, food container with leakproof and airtight with the rectangel opr round shape. Please take your time and discover our latest products and discover our quality. You can easly reach out our quality certificates & Test Reports by clicking . We have production plant that houses the newest machinery a team of experienced tecnical employees that work accordance to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Enviromental Management System, TS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System All our Certificates allocated in our web page in the releated section. You find easly what you need. Just name it we have it …!
Our main policy is to be a leader brand both loclly and internationally. You can find out our factory adress in the contact section at our web site. As we Meteplast, our prioty is always understand our clients needs than work hard to give best value ever.

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